Crédit Agricole S.A

Crédit Agricole has drawn upon its 130-year history to deploy a universal banking model through which it offers its customers a global, sustainable relationship. The complementary fit between retail banking and the specialised business lines enables the Crédit Agricole Group to support its customers in their projects across the whole of France and worldwide. 

Chiffres clés CA 2022 - EN
The Crédit Agricole Group in figures (31.12.2021)
  • 53 million customers
  • 145,000 staff worldwide
  • No. 1 retail bank in the European Union (based on the number of retail banking customers)
  • No. 1 insurer in France (based on premium income – source : l’Argus de l’assurance 2022)
Raison d'être CA
Working every day in the interest of our customers and society
Raison d'être CA
Raison d’être of the Crédit Agricole Group

Crédit Agricole Assurances

Created in 2009, Crédit Agricole Assurances is an umbrella for all of the Crédit Agricole Group’s insurance businesses. Today, Crédit Agricole Assurances is France’s No.1 insurer thanks to the advisers who provide daily support to the Group’s customers, and to the expertise of all its subsidiaries (In France: Predica, Pacifica, CAMCA, CALI Europe Succursale France, Spirica, LifeSide Patrimoine; in Italy: CA Vita, CA Assicurazioni; and also in Luxembourg, Greece, Japan and Poland).