Unit-linked vehicles: dynamic and tailored investments

Dedicated internal funds

Investing in dedicated internal funds allows the investment management to be delegated to one or more managers according to the customer’s chosen investment profile. This tailored multi-currency investment strategy is modular, adapting to the investor’s situation and objectives. Dedicated internal funds can be composed of listed shares and bonds, UCIs’ units, money-market securities, etc.

External funds and collective internal funds

Drawing on a wide and frequently updated range of UCIs (equities, bonds, FCPs, SICAVs, etc.), investors are able to spread out their investments and adjust the allocation according to the trend of the financial markets and/or changes to their situation. To expand its offer, CALI Europe has developed its vision of green and social finance, incorporating more socially-responsible funds into its policies.

List of external funds

Information on the suspension of H2O funds

The specialised insurance fund

An “advisory” solution aimed at customers who want to retain control over their investments while benefiting from recommendations from their adviser.

Vehicles expressed in currencies : secure investments 

Cali Europe's vehicles expressed in currencies are secure investments that reconcile caution and performance managed and offered exclusively by the Crédit Agricole Group. 

The financial management of vehicles expressed in currencies limits financial risks, notably through rigorous portfolio diversification. The composition of investments linked to these vehicles is mainly oriented towards high-quality bonds and money market instruments. 

Information on the sustainability of vehicles expressed in currencies
Contenu de la liste déroulante